Sunday, April 12, 2009

Y did Lily give up on her and Sev.s friendship enstaid of letting him try to make ammends? Weren't they BFF's?

If they were best friends and everything like they said, wudn%26#039;t that make Lily Evans feel like she could try to make him feel sorry for it, but then make up when he learned his lesson? Like saying %26quot;I%26#039;m never going to talk to u again until you stop messing with dark magic and stop calling those of my birth %26quot;mudbloods%26quot;.If you want to be my friend you have to respect my wishes%26quot;. Something like that! But she didn%26#039;t even give him a chance... just told him why she was pissed at him, then left! If she gave him a second chance, she could have realize that after that, Severus never called anyone a mudblood... AND he turned to the good side for Dumbledore for Lily%26#039;s sake!!! If she had stayed friends with him, he just might have given up some of his dark deeds for her, if she had asked him to, (enstaid of just saying she didn%26#039;t understand why he wanted to practice dark magic), and she wud have recognized his loyalty! Right...? Don%26#039;t real BFFs try to make up?

Y did Lily give up on her and Sev.s friendship enstaid of letting him try to make ammends? Weren%26#039;t they BFF%26#039;s?
J.K. Rowling said that Severus thought that Lily would think him as powerful if he messed with the dark side. That%26#039;s why he didn%26#039;t leave it until the very end. She had been giving him second chances for years. That%26#039;s why she said %26quot;My friends all wonder why I even talk to you%26quot; or something to that effect. He wanted Lily, but he wanted Mulciber, too. He didn%26#039;t realize that she didn%26#039;t like it, and kept up with being evil until the prophecy was made, and he didn%26#039;t want her to die. Go here and read about what she said (read from the bottom up):


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